About Us
Guitar Gabble is about intensifying the love for your axe! It’s about sharing lessons, articles, and tips and building a strong community of fellow guitarists who absolutely love playing the instrument be it shredding 16th notes at 240BPM or simply strumming the D chord.
So, are you one of those who goes crazy when the intro to Rock You Like a Hurricane is played? Are your guitars your umbilical cords too? Do you sometimes loop the solo over and over again to blow your minds over a blistering solo or just to savor the beauty of a subtle vibrato?
If anyone of the questions mentioned above put a little smile on your face, then you are at the right place. Read on!
P.S.: If you’re interested in sharing an article, lesson, tips or anything related to guitar, drop us an email via our Contact Us page. You are too kind!
Love. Peace. Light. Keep shredding!